Dodgy Aussie Home Builder Contractor Can Cost Families Thousands of Dollars

Dodgy home builders are a big problem in Australia. Every year, families lose thousands of dollars to dodgy contractors who do a shoddy job or leave defects in new build homes. It’s a huge problem, and it’s only getting worse.

A Melbourne-based building inspector, Zeher Khalil, has become a controversial figure in the Australian construction industry. He makes TikTok videos showing him scathingly assessing tradies’ work. In some of his videos, he exposed some shady works from cowboy contractors.

Because of it, he has garnered praise and criticism. Some accused him of unfair standards and others called him a much-needed voice of accountability. However, the death threats that Khalil has received in recent months have genuinely put him in the spotlight.

While Khalil insists that he is simply doing his job by pointing out the flaws in properties that tradies have constructed, some have taken umbrage at his candid approach. In particular, his videos highlighting shortcuts and inferior workmanship have stirred up a great deal of anger. Some tradies feel that their reputations are being unfairly tarnished. The death threats that Khalil has received are undoubtedly extreme, but they highlight the passionate response that his videos have elicited from both sides of the debate.

How to Avoid Shady Contractors

You can do a few things to avoid becoming a victim of a dodgy contractor.

If you’re careful, you can avoid becoming a victim of a dodgy contractor. But if you are in that situation, don’t hesitate to seek help. Many people and organisations can assist you in getting your money back or taking legal action against the contractor.

How to Choose a Building Contractor

how to choose a building contractor

Generally, dodgy contractors abound, so you need to be sure you’re dealing with a reputable company. Defects in new build homes are not uncommon. So you need to make sure that your contractor is experienced and has a good track record.

When it comes to choosing a building contractor, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

  1. Get Recommendations From Friends or Family
    People who have had recent experiences with contractors.
  2. Do Your Research Online
    Check out forums, independent review sites, and the websites of the companies you’re considering.
  3. Make Sure You Get Quotes
    Get quotes from several different contractors before making your decision.
  4. Ask Lots of Questions
    Questions about their experience, their methods, their insurance cover, and so on.
  5. Don’t Be Afraid to Negotiate on Price

By following these simple tips, you’ll be much more likely to choose a reputable building contractor who will do a good job on your home.

Ceiling Leak Repair Contractors Perth Residents Can Trust

Dodgy contractors and defects in new build homes are a ceiling leak repair nightmare for homeowners in Perth. But there is one company that you can trust to get the job done right – Perth Ceiling Repairs. We are a team of licenced, insured, experienced, and qualified professionals.

If you have a ceiling leak or need a quality new ceiling upgrade or installation, don’t hesitate to call us. We’ll be there to fix it, fast.

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